


The first muslim families move into the community of Springfield, OH. 


The families joined together and establish the Miami Valley Islamic Association.


Masjid-al-madina, our mosque, was constructed for worship and prayer. This was the first ever mosque that was built in the state of Ohio.


The community grew and and imam was hired. Sheikh Yunus Lasania has been the imam of MVIA for the last 33 years.


Masjid-al-madina was renovated and extended. With this came state of the art renovations including a funeral room, outdoor picnic shelters, a soccer field, and new parking. 

Our Imam

Born in the U.K. to immigrant parents from India, Sheikh Yunus Lasania has spent a life in servitude to the islamic community. Sheikh Lasania's journey began when he enrolled into Darul Uloom Burry to study the Quran and Islamic sciences. His dedication to his education and his faith led him to become a well-rounded and knowledgeable figure. After graduating, he emigrated to the US where he has continued serving as the imam of MVIA for over 30 years. He is highly regarded for his counseling skills and his ability to connect with young muslims. Through his work and example, Sheikh Yunus Lasania has inspired and encouraged many to pursue their own spiritual growth and development.

As a youth counselor, Sheikh Lasania has made a lasting impact on the younger generations within the MVIA community. His unique approach to counseling and guidance has made him a trusted and beloved figure. He has a talent for connecting with people, and his warmth, wisdom, and compassion have earned him the respect of all who know him. His life's work has been dedicated to serving and supporting our community, and his efforts have not gone unnoticed. He continues to be a source of inspiration and a beacon of hope for all those seeking guidance on their spiritual journey.

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